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My journey to a healthier me!

My journey to a healthier me!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Project

I'm trying to keep up with at least a project a month while DH is gone.  So this month I decided to turn the garage in to a gym! There's a few pieces of equipment I wont be buying until right before DH get's home but for the most part it's well on it's way to being done!

I wish I had taken a before pic but this is when I started taking pics:

Still have a few more things to add but it is getting there!

Chalkboard paint is ridiculously messy!

I found a new recipe for a protein shake that tastes like a frosty!

1 cup original almond milk
2tbsp dark cocoa powder
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 a banana
18 ice cubes

Pure deliciousness!

I also took a progress pic! I'm getting back to where I was at when the Mr came home, can't wait to keep pushing myself to new and better places!

Monday, March 3, 2014

St Patrick's Day Care Package!

Put the mr's Saint Patrick's day  care package together today!

Nothing to special in there, some candy and snacks that he'll probably end up giving away because he's a health nut but that's okay.  There are some paleo friendly snacks and a few things he asked for too.  Had lots of fun making this one even if it is super corny! 

This was the first one I sent, kind of a send off package of sorts!

Lots of randomness in that one (games, smell good stuff, snacks, etc) nothing exciting but I like how it turned out.  Can't wait for the Easter package!