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My journey to a healthier me!

My journey to a healthier me!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Lost My Footing A Bit

Okay so the holidays killed my fitness levels a little bit. I was not on top of working out or eating healthy, I drank more than I normally do (meaning I actually had a few drinks haha), and then I got super sick.  I'm still a little sick but I'm finally better enough to get back on track.  SO here's my new Day 1 picture, 127lbs and not looking really to lose anything just to turn some fat into muscle and get toned.  I have about 12 weeks until vacation so that is my motivation.

  I'm back to my strict workout regiment, back to eating healthy with ONE cheat day a week, the Mr is on board and wants to get back to killing it too so it'll be nice to have each other as motivation.  Work out time!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our holiday in pictures!

White Russian milk shakes....yes please!!

Paleo pumpkin pancakes!

Sweet potato chips, which were AMAZING!

Home made tortilla chips...SO GOOD!

We had a wonderful warm Christmas in Fl with the Mr's family and friends.  We ate some awesome food, drank some awesome drinks, and even added to our family <3.  Introducing Kona our final fur baby! Overall we had an amazing holiday and I am so very thankful my husband was home to share it with this year!