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My journey to a healthier me!

My journey to a healthier me!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chicken Teriyaki with Cauliflower 'rice'

This was super good! A hit with the husband as well!

For the 'rice'
1 head cauliflower
Coconut oil
 Salt and Pepper to taste
 1/4 cup of water

1. Process the Cauliflower florets (I used our Ninja) until they look like pieces of rice.
2. Heat Coconut Oil in a pan on medium heat and add in your processed Cauliflower 
3. Salt and pepper to taste and add water. Stir.
4. Cook on medium for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

For the Chicken
2   Chicken breasts cut into small pieces / strips
1/2 onion (diced)
1    Green Pepper (diced) 
1/2 Cup of Honey
1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp minced Garlic
Coconut Oil
Pepper to taste

1. Combine coconut oil, chicken, onion, and pepper in a pan, cook until chicken is cooked through.
2. Combine remaining ingredients in bowl and mix.
3. Add bowl to pan and cook on low for 5 minutes.

Serve over 'rice' and enjoy!

Paleo Lunch Box Idea!

In order for DH to eat healthy we had to figure out what to put in his lunch box since he's gone from 530 am until at least 330pm.  For breakfast he gets strawberries, blueberries, hard boiled eggs, almonds, and a banana.  For a snack he gets a protein shake and a homemade snack bar.  For lunch Tuna with lettuce for the wrap, 1/2 an avocado, 1/2 a cucumber, another snack bar, and a spinach salad. With all the working out he does a good amount of food is needed to keep him filled up, this seems to get the job done and keep him happy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

 Some of our recent recipes:

This pork was super easy to make and it was also delicious!

Homemade Sloppy Joes while not exactly like the stuff that comes in the can but I actually like this better and it is SO much healthier. 

We've really enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen, even the Mr has really gotten in to cooking.  All of these recipes were delicious and I can't believe we didn't start eating Paleo sooner!

Today I've got an Insanity disc to pick, I'll be alternating and doing P90X M/W/F and Insanity Tu/Th. Then hopefully some running and hiking on the weekends! We used to hike all the time so I'm really excited to get back in to it. Anyway I plan to update far more often on here than I did in my old blogs so more recipes to follow!

Past Recipes!  I pulled this post from my old blog so I could include them for anyone reading! New recipes from the past few weeks to follow later today!

Chicken, mushroom, pepper, and tomato kabobs...Oh yes it was delicious!

Chicken Piccata and parm frosted asparagus...this was a HUGE hit with the Mr and I have to say it is probably my new favorite meal!

Philly Cheese Steak Peppers, these were a cheat meal because of the mozzarella cheese but oh they were delicious!

Then one morning the Mr made me breakfast so I made some banana muffins, both were absolutely amazing, when I find the recipe for the muffins again I will make sure to post it on here! I love having a man that can cook, nothing beats it!

For lunch most days we have a protein shake or nakid juice with tuna, bacon, and green pepper all wrapped in lettuce.

Last but certainly not least we started making our own snack bars.  These babies are super healthy and are just absolutely delicious, I will never buy a snack bar again!

You can find the recipes here we made the Cherry Pie flavored ones and I can't say enough about them!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Introduction and My Journey Thus Far

All my life I've had pretty terrible self confidence.  Even when I was a young teen with a fairly small figure I was never happy with how I looked.  After getting married I gained over 20lbs, at 151lbs and 5'3" I felt disgusting.  So when the Mr was called away to spend the better part of the past year in the sand I decided to do something about my self image and my health.  I started following the Paleo style of eating and doing a mixture of P90X and Insanity.  I dropped down to 125lbs by the time we were reunited 9 months later!  Now we've gone on vacation and after a crazy amount of food, alcohol, and sitting around I've gained about 5lbs back and lost some of the muscle I worked so hard to get.

So now I'm getting back on the wagon.  I'm hoping to settle around 120lbs with muscle, mostly I just want to feel good in my clothes, I'm not overly concerned with the number on the scale.  Right now I'm concentrating on building more strength to start Crossfit with the Mr in a few months, I'm a little scared but also super excited! 

You'll find all kinds of healthy recipes and workout tips here, I hope I can help others find their way to a healthier lifestyle as I continue with mine!