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My journey to a healthier me!

My journey to a healthier me!

Friday, December 20, 2013

My Workout Regiment

I've tried all kinds of different work outs and videos, some I liked, some I hated, and some I LOVE.  Beachbody programs are where I have found my niche and I could not be more happy with their products! Beachbody programs combined with clean eating helped me to go from 151lbs to 125lbs in less than 6 months.  I've done both P90X and Insanity individually but I found that when I made a combined regiment I got the best results.  Here's what my schedule looks like:

P90X Chest and Back

Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit 
Ab Ripper X

P90X Shoulders and Arms

Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance
Ab Ripper X

P90X Legs and Back

Ab Ripper X
Choice of workout

Rest day

I'd also like to add in runs on Mon / Wed / Fri and maybe start doing weights in place of the P90X days eventually but we'll see! Anyway, that's my current routine.  Can't say enough about Beachbody and their workout programs, they've helped me become so much more comfortable in my own skin and I'm so happy I gave them a try!


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