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My journey to a healthier me!

My journey to a healthier me!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Buffalo Chicken and Eggplant Lasagna

Tried out this recipe last night and it was a big hit with the Mr, surprisingly even I really enjoyed it and I generally am not a eggplant eater by any means!  It was really pretty easy and being a crock pot recipe will fill your home with mouth watering smells while it cooks!

Here's what you'll need:

  • 3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 large eggplant
  • Franks Buffalo sauce (if you are strict paleo pinterest has paleo approved hot sauces)
  • 1 white onion
  • 4 cups of baby spinach
  • Crumbled blue cheese (omit for Paleo)
  • Spices (minced garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper)
  1. Slice your eggplant into thin pieces and put in a large bowl of water.
  2. Put chicken in food processor (I use our Ninja) with some parsley, salt, pepper, and a splash of your hot sauce. Pulse until ground up. (If you don't have a food processor cutting the chicken in to small chunks should work just fine.) Then set aside in a bowl. 
  3. Strain eggplant slices and lay flat in between towels to dry.
  4. In food processor pulse up your onion, spinach, and minced garlic with a splash of hot sauce. 
  5. Layer as followed:  Sauce, eggplant, chicken, spinach mixture, sauce, eggplant, chicken, spinach mixture, cheese. sauce, eggplant, chicken, spinach mixture, cheese, sauce.  
  6. After cooking on high for 3 hours I used a turkey baster to remove the excess liquid from the crock pot and then continued to cook on low for 1 hour.  


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